Invasion Amerika 01 - Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations - 1946

10 months ago

Panzer Corps 2

It is said that every end is a new beginning. And while we all know the Second World War ended in 1945, Panzer Corps 2 is making the unprecedented leap to continue the Axis Operations with one final, grand installment:

Axis Operations 1946: Amerika

Using the ahistorical campaign path established in previous DLC as a springboard, Axis Operations 1946 offers players an absolutely massive and completely original campaign to explore a joint German-Japanese invasion of the United States.

Prepare your Wehrmacht invasion forces for their final battles to take on the mighty United States in a huge, 30 scenario campaign that will take your armies from coast to coast across the Continental US.

To properly tell this original story, we have even taken the special measure to bring on an American Historical Specialist to give this campaign a true air of historical context and authenticity!

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