ENG-Anon with Lewis Herms - Baltimore Bridge Collapse Discussion

10 months ago

In our second-ever video conference, Lewis and I discuss the bridge collapse. The video was still pretty fresh and it was quite early on, I only had a chance to briefly view it and make some cursory observations. Also, evidence was still trickling in on the extenuating circumstances. These became a little clearer in a later interview, where a more solid "big picture" assessment could be made. A surprising hypothesis of the demolition rigging was made later in this interview as well. I expanded on it later with Michael Jaco.

The video gives a small taste of what is going on in a structural engineer's mind when scrutiny is first brought to bear on a major event like this bridge collapse. Rare as events of this sort are, engineers are divided on early approaches to the media. Some need time to marshal the facts and ponder the implications privately so they can be polished for public exposure. Other engineers, well.....

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