The ZPS Show

11 months ago

Found an episode of a show I've never seen before called "The ZPS Show". Figured I'd upload it and pass it around.

Time Stamps
Intro-> 00:00
Classic Prop Kills Act 1-> 00:44
My Name Is Poison/Stroke Myself With A Feather-> 03:38
Nah, I'm Good!-> 04:42
Siggy Wiggy Whoop ASS!-> 04:57
Innit-> 06:01
My Name Is Poison Part 2-> 06:40
Classic Prop Kills Act 2-> 07:23
Trust Fall-> 08:06
Norwegians or Alcoholics-> 08:30
Chinchillas & Cluelessness-> 08:55
Name Change-> 09:51
Walter For The Win-> 10:12
Commercial Break-> 11:14
Most People's Reaction to My Channel-> 12:17
Classic Prop Kills Act 3-> 12:19
You Decide...-> 13:02
Patatas Fritatas-> 14:14
Olympic High Diving-> 15:36
Nix Waves Goodbye-> 17:26
Bus Rider-> 17:42
Buttbass Boom (Bass or Bass?)-> 18:17
Classic Prop Kills Act 4-> 19:00
Ending-> 20:30

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