Article 4748 Video - Another One of Us Breaks the Surface By Anna Von Reitz

10 months ago

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Article 4748 Video - Another One of Us Breaks the Surface - Wednesday, April 10, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Our Prosperitor, Hunter, speaks of it in terms of frequency and resonance. Foster Gamble speaks of it in terms of thriving. I speak of it in terms of restoration and truth. However we speak of what unites our minds and hearts, we speak of the same ineffable reality, what we know to be true.

Throughout this long journey, fraught with bitter days and restless nights, I used to think I was alone. And no doubt every single one of us has gone through this same "dark night of the soul", that screaming agony moment when we woke up and for one terrifying moment, thought, "But I am only one person! And I am alone!"

It may have been that we felt that way because we were the only ones who perceived something, because we stood on the edge of a new science or a new mathematics--- Hunter and Terrence, for example. It may have been because we were obliged to look at what held us back, and analyze what went wrong in order to find our way to a better future -- myself and Foster Gamble, for example.

However we came to this crux -- "the cross" -- we came, and we had our moment of terror, and after that, we had our moment of decision, in which, despite feeling utterly alone and mostly helpless, we had to find the courage to act and to speak up.

For me, the question was decided in legal and lawful terms, because I knew that if I didn't speak up, I would be an accomplice to a most horrendous and world-spanning crime.

I can't speak for the others, but each of us found it in ourselves, either out of love for the good or repugnance for the evil, to come forward and embrace our mission, and undertake our own little hero's quest.

And in doing so, we found each other.

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