Rest in Peace O.J. Simpson ✊🏿

9 months ago

O.J. Simpson is the Recipient of condemnation after his passing from Hypocrites, Simpson was acquitted in the same judicial system that has Allowed Race soldiers to continue terrorizing Black Americans, For decades we just had to Take it. A more recent example is The Carolyn Bryant case, She actually caused the demise of a Child, She was able to die at home surrounded by her Family, That Lad"s Name was 14 year old Emmett Till. The Till Family never gotten Justice for that crime, How many of our Fallen were eliminated only to have their loved ones Rejected by The very Same Courts who Ruled on Simpson's behalf? O.J. was set up and imprisoned for Returning his stolen property, Much of his Million dollar fortune was stripped from that bogus Civil trial, These vultures just couldn't wait until he left the Grid. Well there's still some of us who are on code and can see how This is way more Paramount than Simpson. It's an indictment for The Criminality Against our People.

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