Trump – For Every Dollar Pfizer gave Trump they Received $2,000 Taxpayer Dollars

5 months ago

These guys are all just Robbing Tax Payers. When the Cabal selects their candidates it is an opportunity to collaborate with all their buddies to develop “programs” that will take from the taxpayers and fill their own pockets and their buddies. They don’t give a SH*T about the citizens paying the taxes.

They just have to make it look like they are doing something good for us. It’s all one big a$$ scam.

Maybe you think differently on Trump. I did back in 2016. Then I woke up.

He is a total sellout. A total fraud.

Same Game. Same Rules. The Narrative slightly changes to maintain the illusion that they are working for us.


Believe what you may, but do some of your OWN research and don’t ignore stuff like this because it is a very tiny piece of the puzzle.

Trump had Robert F. Kennedy come visit him to talk about telling the truth and researching vaccine injuries. It was a freaking PLOT to get Big Pharma’s attention so they would pay up. He wanted a piece of the Big Pharma pie.

He got it.

He made Big Pharma HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of $$$. Do you honestly believe they are not going to find a way to repay him for that?

Look at how much they pay celebrities for promoting their poison, that is going to be chump change. They will take care of the Trump family FOREVER!

But keep Wishing in one hand and Sh*ting in the other – and see which one fills up first.

See this short video next → ***Trump – Robert F. Kennedy Blows the Whistle on Trump taking $1 Million from Pfizer --



The David Knight Show --

Stat News --


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END. 4/17/2024 – 9:00 PM

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