31. Fibre Love Knitting Podcast | Cast On Updates | Freestyling Garments | World of Wool Fibre

10 months ago

This was recorded on Thursday 18th January 2024. I apologise for the quality of the video but I had to upload it in 720p resolution as any higher has made issues for me in 3 podcasts I've tried to upload last year and have ultimately lost footage of now. I will try to see if there is another method of filming and uploading I can do which will improve the quality.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cedartreesandbumblebees/

01:35 Freestyled Stripy Raglan in Hjertegarn Natur Uld in 930 Dark Brown, 6953 Bottle Green, Drops Snow in 92 Dark Moss and 96 Autumn Leaves on 6mm needles. Also Woolyknit Warth Mill DK in Khaki Green Nepp used when Dark Moss ran out.

08:30 Sewing:
Plaid Linen Dress made from the Isabella Blouse by Hubba Ding.
Isabella Blouse: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/911153034/poofy-sleeve-peplum-top-sewing-pattern?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=isabella+blouse&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&bes=1&dd=1&organic_search_click=1

Dark Blue Plaid Wool Petticoat freestyled from basic pattern.
You can see an example made by V.Birchwood here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2XNjSNPlGA

17:15 Knits for Winter by Emily Foden book:
Eastwind Jacket in Woolyknit British Naturals DK Dark Natural Brown and British Wool 4ply Summerstorm (2 strands) on 4mm needles. Will likely change the Summerstorm to either Woolyknit Khaki Green Nepp or another lower contrast shade.

Winterberry Vest in Woolyknit Diggle DK Rustic Beige and British Wool 4ply Nazareth (2 strands) on 4mm needles.

Skyhill Hat in Drops Air 28 Red Brick (discontinued colour) 2 strands on 6mm needles. Will likely frog this pattern and cast on in another yarn.

23:30 Rolag making from Wingham Wool Custom Blend: Polwarth, BFL Oatmeal, White Corriedale, White Shetland, Manx Loughton. https://www.winghamwoolwork.co.uk/custom-blends.html

24:55 Freestyled Hot Water Bottle Cover in my colourwork chart. Using JC Rennie Supersoft Black and Ugie Pearl 2 strands on 4.5mm needles (4mm for non colourwork areas).

29:35 Freestyled Top Down Drop Shoulder in my colourwork chart. Using Mancehlopi Dark Grey Brown, Dark Brown and Caldero Orange.

38:46 Book purchases from Pompom Magazine (closing down)
Pompom Mag issue 40 Dreamscape https://pompommag.com/products/issue-40-spring-2022?_pos=1&_sid=98b9b6746&_ss=r (digital only)
Moon and Turtle: Knitting Patterns with Variations by Kiyomi and Sachiko Burgin https://pompommag.com/products/moon-and-turtle
The Shetland Trader Book Three: Heritage by Gudrun Johnston https://pompommag.com/products/the-shetland-trader-book-three-heritage?_pos=1&_sid=710b54a11&_ss=r
Knits for Winter by Emily Foden https://pompommag.com/products/knits-about-winter?_pos=4&_sid=29bb26ea3&_ss=r

46:00 Fibre:
John Arbon Yarnadelic Pink Moon (100% Corriedale) 100g Top
John Arbon Yarnadelic Nobody Knows (100% Corriedale) 100g Top
John Arbon Yarnadelic The Beautiful Ones (100% Corriedale) 100g Top

Shetland Fibre in colours: Chestnut, Hound, Pear, Root, Butterscotch from Weft Blown: https://www.weftblown.com/collections/fibre/products/dyed-shetland-wool-top-100g?variant=40396046729412

World of Wool Spinning Fibre Seaswirl by Lara https://www.worldofwool.co.uk/products/seaswirl-by-lara

World of Wool Spinning Fibre Snow Leopard by Robyn https://www.worldofwool.co.uk/products/snow-leopard-by-robyn

57:00 Spindles:
Ian from IST Crafts https://thewoodemporium.co.uk/

Kravelli Spindles https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Kravelli

Note on Palestine:
Children are viewed as sacrosanct in any society claiming civility. Claiming human values. Because we recognise innocence to be too pure and good to be interfered with. Our instincts are to protect it. But we are seeing precious children being destroyed, limbs torn from little bodies, crushed under the rubble of their homes, buried and broken under the onslaught of bombs. So many. Little Angels.
We are watching Palestine and are souls are being devastated because the killing of innocents, of children, is an evil beyond comprehension. So we feel hollow and black inside, hunched and crumpled. Trying to ignore the heaviness and get on with our lives. But the tightness in the chest never quite goes away.

#knittingpodcast #knittingprojects #knittingdesign #knitsforwinter #emilyfoden #eastwindjacket #winterberryvest #skyhillhat #woolyknit #knittingstitchpattern #unspunwool #woolroving #nutiden #manchelopis #polwarth #sarinordlund #knittingdesigner #worldofwool #woolfibre #spinningfibre #dropspinning #customfibreblend #winghamwoolworks #worldofwool #spinningwool

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