So now it's ok to inject yourself snake venom ?!?!

10 months ago

Clay Clark: Let's go to Ozempic real quick. Now I do know that Ozempic intentionally causes stomach paralysis. I do know that Ozempic was a drug created in Europe and the country of origin for Ozempic won't allow Ozempic to be used in that country. So I mean, there's a lot of disturbing things. I also know that Ozempic is one of the most valuable companies on the planet.
Dr Judy Mikovits: And now you have to inject yourself, because you won't let anybody else inject you, but somehow you think this is okay?

It's a cult! Everything they're releasing on the TV, every one of these drugs, is the cult trying to poison you, now that somehow COVID just went away!
Ozempic is Bryan Ardis. It's snake venom: Phosphodiesterase, Phospholipases! What's a phosphodiesterase? Oh, wait, it cuts fats? What's a virus? It's a synthetic lipid nanoparticle or a monkey lipid nanoparticle, lipid, lipase.
So they couldn't get us to inject anymore. Everybody got smart, thanks to you guys to Clay Clark, to all the movement to stop! Only 1 billion people got killed. So now they have to get you to kill yourself!

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 04/10/2024

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