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Clif High - Propagandists' Shuffle Danz
Propagandists' Shuffle Danz
Danz to da musak!
Hello humans, hello humans.
Still April 11, Thursday.
Heading back home after doing our shopping and driving on a bunch of sand.
And getting the necessary supplies for a few projects here.
Yep, everything is here.
Okay, there may be a little barking as we go along.
we're still around humans and they, they deserve the abuse.
They're just terrible, terrible critters.
So we're coming up to this, this period of time where we'll have a very interesting wrinkle appear in mainstream media and the propagandists,
are going to find themselves in a, in a world of oddity.
Hyper novelty is going to cause them a real problem because within hyper novelty, um, we're going to have a situation here where the media is going to have to start defending the power elites against the charges from the population that they did all this shit deliberately.
That's going to be the problem for the media is that they will, they'll at first just like, you know, dismiss it.
Oh, you're a crazy, right?
You're a conspiracy theorist, that kind of thing.
But there will be so many people, many of them with, you know, some level of stature, some level of, you know, major social pressure or presence.
And these guys will be saying, no, no, no.
You know, these elites did it on purpose.
It's not incompetency.
It's a giant global takeover thing to kill off most of the humans.
Now, all the woo people, we know this, right?
We know what the WEF is trying to do and, you know, the Elohim worship cult and all of that and their depopulation agenda and all this shit.
We're aware of this, but the normies are not and the...
The propagandists, who are also aware of it and are participating, are going to have to start defending the power elites.
Now, here's the really interesting wrinkle.
The media themselves will be called out as part of the deliberate process of depopulation and, you know, the takeover of the planet, the Great Reset, all of that horseshit, right?
And our global revolution that's happening in pushback
the apocalypse, the great awakening is going to mean that these guys are going to be called out.
They're going to have to defend the power elite.
And then because of all of that, also, they're going to be charged by people as being part of the problem and part of the, the plot.
And they're going to have to defend themselves and it's not going to go over very well.
And they're going to, I don't know that they'll ever see how,
um stupid and uh participatory they actually look by trying to defend themselves against these charges but it's going to be that blatant so it's going to be really funny all of the um
like all the late night fucktard shows and, you know, the Commie News Network and all of this kind of stuff, right?
All of these guys are going to say, no, no, we weren't part of it.
No one paid me to lie about COVID.
No one paid me to lie about Epstein Island and all of this other stuff, which, you know, of course is horseshit.
We know that they were indeed paid, that there was, um, Bakshish going on, right?
So it's going to be really interesting that way.
We've got major Naradime crumbling that's going to be happening over this summer, such that by the time we get to whatever the event is on the 15th and 16th of July or thereabouts, and it might be a series of events, might be a whole lot, I don't know, it's just massively building tension.
It's like a building tension spike like I've never seen before.
And so it's in a very short period of time.
So there's a something going on, at least linguistically.
You know, it doesn't necessarily mean that there's a manifestation in reality so much as it means that there's a shitload of language of a building tension nature that's going to be popping up in any event, though.
So by the time we get to this event, we will be deep into Naradime Crumbles.
And the narrative is going to crumble just like a cookie.
And it's going to be, for me, it's going to be really interesting to watch.
Because I've been anticipating this since, you know, well, since 63, right?
When Kennedy was, when they had the fake Kennedy assassination.
I'm with Jay Weidner.
That was a squib on the side of his head.
And that is why people think that the driver turned around and shot him.
It's because the blowout from the right side of his head, from the squib, looked like he had been shot on the left side of his head and it blew out.
But if you look at the autopsy report, the right side of his skull was still intact.
So there was no shot from the left that
the right side of the skull anyway though so our narrative is going to be crumbling here and this narrative is going to totally undo NASA and the military and all of these people relative to UFOs okay so and you know the fake moon landings and all of that kind of shit right
How do I?
So we're going to go back in history in part of our global revolution over these next 10 years or more.
It's a 25 year process that we're in.
OK, I won't go into the math, but it's part of the yugas and the overlap from one yuga to the next is the emotional reaction to the energies from space change as those energies from space changes from galactic centers.
And so we're in a very particular 25 year period of time in which we will have a chaos, an absolute massive, massive chaos as hyper-novelty takes over, authority dies, and we have to reconstitute, we have to reshape all of our social order, including who we trust and where we place our trust for, quote, authority, right?
And so we're going to, we're going to lose all of it.
We're going to see the, the reduction of the, uh, of NASA and all these people too.
They're already a laughing stock, but there'll be reduced to having to defend themselves against, uh, criminal charges and stuff.
Um, it's going to get really interesting.
I'm expecting that we will see people sue the movie studios.
for having trannies in their movies and not telling people and they'll sue them under truth and advertising laws because they are attempting to be deceptive to just like the music industry, right?
They are attempting to deceive you by telling you that, that this, um, Taylor dude is a female.
Um, and so all of these, uh, male to female trannies will be coming on out and they're going to have to go back to the 1930s.
They will be sued for, uh,
Because they can establish a pattern going back to the 1930s of deliberate deception.
Now, we know it was a Jewish thing, right?
We know that Hollywood was taken over by the Elohim worship cult.
And this Jewish thing of all of the transgenders and eight genders and all of this kind of shit was intruded into our social order.
And they snuck it in in a deceptive manner.
And they'll be sued.
Some attorneys are going to make a fucking...
fortune off of this, but they're also going to become some of the most famous people on the planet as they proceed with this lawsuit that is going to just really fuck over the normies' heads.
This thing is just like, it's pretty big.
I don't know how long it'll take for it to develop, but it's in the data sets.
So there's that.
We're going to be having lots of confrontation.
I expect that there will be
let's say direct action, citizen direct action in regard to the lies coming out of government and the media because we're just not taking it anymore.
So it's kind of like we're coming into a period of time where we will have social justice, right?
Street justice.
And then there will be law.
And there's no political will to
enforce law up to the point of justice within the communist takeover of our institutions.
This is a very Maoist long march through the institutions kind of thing that's going on.
There's no political will to have justice come from prosecution.
So Soros paid for this.
George Soros paid for all these prosecutors to get into positions where they don't prosecute in order to upend our social order.
This is a known plan.
Anyway, so we're coming up to the point where the street justice is going to cause the propagandists to react because the street justice is going to go to the point where there will be the guilty will be executed on the street and no one's going to say shit about it.
And then they may try and prosecute those who are doing the.
the execution and are participating in the street justice.
But then there will be riots about that that will totally destroy like police stations and stuff, right?
So, you know, some kids going to be raped by a African invader or Muslim invader here in the US, likely in the Northeast.
This rape will be caught on security cams because it'll happen out in public on the street kind of thing.
And people will react
that criminal, that rapist, that pedophile, that human trafficker kind of abuser person will end up dying as a result of his crime in the street, in street justice.
And then later on, like maybe a couple of days later, the cops will use security cams at the direction of the commies that control the area.
And then the communist authority will go and try and arrest the people.
They'll succeed in arresting at least one individual that was participatory in the street justice.
And this is going to incite such a blowback on the authority figures that you will have mobs surround a police station in one of these cities.
Maybe it'll be like Pittsburgh, something like that.
It's in the northeast somewhere.
And the mobs are going to be like local Americans, right?
Not invaders or any of that.
The invaders are going to be really pissed that the guy got killed in the street.
But there's going to be more than that.
Because so there's going to be other invaders that attempt to aid the pedophile rapist.
And they're going to get the shit kicked out of them too.
So it's going to be a real melee.
And then a few days later, the authorities are going to come on in and try and,
and make this into a big propaganda stink on behalf of their agenda.
And it's not going to work out the way they think because after they arrest this guy, the neighborhood, so to speak, is just going to turn on the law enforcement people.
They're going to surround the building.
There will be, they'll be declaring riot.
They'll probably have to try and bring in cops from outside.
Those will be thwarted.
It's going to be like a pretty much a day long,
And at the end of that day, the person that was arrested, he's out.
And the police are in disarray.
Their stuff is all destroyed.
I mean, cop cars burned, the station burned down, all of that kind of shit.
And so that's one of the temporal markers we've got coming.
And it marks a particular elevation in dynamic activity relative to the global revolutions.
And this will be, um, coincident to some degree.
So within the same month, maybe as we start getting the, uh, populace accusing all of the, uh, so we're accusing the elites of being pedophiles now.
And, and some of the Wu people were out there saying Falke knew he engineered it.
They've been planning it for 200 fucking years.
They got Falke to work on it over 40 fucking years ago, uh, developing these, uh, bioweapons.
And he was the highest paid civil servant and he didn't serve any of us within our government, yada, yada, yada, right?
And so we're going to get people saying that Fauci was, you know, he is a murderer and he needs to be tried and executed.
And then the populace or the mainstream media is going to try and defend Fauci and all of his ilk, all these other fuckers too, going to try and defend them from,
the mobs from the attacks online.
And in that process, they themselves will be attacked.
You know, how can you defend this slime?
You're part of it.
You were bribed, blah, blah, blah.
So you're going to see a lot of resignations, lots and lots and lots of resignations out of the media because these people are stupid.
They're hired because they are stupid, malleable, and criminal themselves.
But some of them, even though they're stupid, they will get the...
uh, you know, they'll get the wind up, right?
And they'll smell what's coming and they will resign rather than be lynched in the street because that's coming.
Um, so it's going to be just a tremendous global revolution and a tremendous American revolution 2.0.
Uh, we're, we're in those days now, right?
So, um,
You've got people like Bo Polney out there using the word biblical.
And this biblical is like, it's a watered down, don't mean shit kind of stuff.
He's talking Old Testament, Juby, let's worship the Jews calendar.
Let's worship the Jews because they're lying and telling us that they were chosen by God and that they're superior Christians.
And, you know, they have loxism, which means that they're above everybody else, and they want to kill all the other people on the planet.
And you stupid goys, you don't know they were, you know, we're telling you that as Jews that we were chosen by God, you know, the Creator God, so you can't do shit about it.
Anyway, so Pope Polny, he worships the Jews, but he's going to be just freaking out as the whole Old Testament Bible stuff comes undone in the...
In all of this, I mean, we're going way back, right?
We're undoing all of the lies that have been propping up this entire structure for hundreds of years.
And they can't prop it up anymore because of the internet.
They couldn't stop the internet because we were making it on our own.
We were doing BBSs, right?
Individual decentralized internet created on our own.
And if they take the internet down, there's people like myself that are prepared to do that.
I know a lot of guys now that are getting landlines.
just in case, right?
Because if you've got a landline and the switches hold up, you can maintain a BBS and run your own little mini internet.
Modems are cheap these days, that kind of thing, right?
Anyway, we're coming up into, we're in very exciting times, we're in the revolution now, and it's really progressing, and I'm expecting this first shot at Fort Sumter kind of thing in these next
It'll be 36 days now, and we'll see.
My timing can be off, but I don't think that the data itself will be off, nor my interpretation of it, because of the nature of the huge amount of building tension language and everything that's going on within the data sets matching our reality.
So I do expect that a lot of this stuff is going to occur.
In any event, I have some level of timing clues on it, too.
But within these next 36 days, we should see a spark event.
We should see the lead up to the propagandists being confronted.
And so I don't know how everybody videotapes everything.
And somehow somebody always goes and finds the security tapes or somebody who's in charge of the security tapes wants to make a few bucks online.
So they go get the security tapes out of the store.
And, you know, and clip out a little bit to show you and put it on like Rumble and BitChute and stuff, right?
So I don't know when it will come on out, but we will be seeing videos of the confrontation and the physical pushback on the media, on the propagandists.
And we'll start calling them that.
You know, oh, you're a propagandist.
You're not mainstream media.
You're a propagandist.
You're a paid shill.
uh, for, uh, anti-human interests and, uh, and we'll be seeing videos of this and the confrontations for my, my viewpoint are going to be just great to watch.
Um, it's going to be just so much fun.
So, you know, and you got, you got, uh, Alex Jones, uh, suing over the whole, um,
faked up Sandy Hook thing and it's just tremendously marvelous that all this stuff is coming on out and the thing is because they're doing it in legal it's going to grind it's long term language right it's just going to keep grinding on the commies as we go forward until it's resolved and anyway it's a great time to be alive especially if you love to fight it's going to be chaotic
I personally am doing everything I can in these, in these 36 days, uh, here, uh, to get myself to, to reestablish all of the preparations I've made and bring them all up current.
So that's why I went bought new batteries for the truck.
Uh, that's why I'm going through and checking all of my preparations, going through my destroyed office and getting it rebuilt and checking all of my supplies.
Anything that's, you know, even close to being out of date, I'm reordering.
It probably will not arrive.
At some point, there will be delivery stops.
We'll be having, I've already got delivery delays.
So I'm getting stuff or messages saying, oh, sorry, we can't deliver that for the next, you know, there's been a delivery day, won't get there, these kind of things.
So very unusual, didn't exist prior to this year, except maybe you'd get one in a year, not even that, one in several years.
Now the breakdown is so systemic that I'm getting them on a weekly basis, right?
Now I live way the fuck out anyway.
So this is not necessarily unexpected, but it has certainly escalated.
And so I'm getting everything I can done during this period of time, because I think very shortly, June, certainly July, there will be a generalized breakdown.
in the um supply system and this is part of the uh they're trying another holomador so the communists want to starve and kill 100 million americans right and they want to starve and kill 100 million americans and they've started bill gates has destroyed like half a million farms this kind of thing uh so they're so that part of that is baked in the cake they've already destroyed the farms they haven't planted we won't get harvest out of those farms
And so you've got to start growing those foods you can.
You won't ever be able to grow enough to be 100% self-sufficient, but you need to start thinking about how you're going to get proteins, you know, and how you're going to manage.
Because it's here, and we're getting into it.
And so it's going to be really a, it's going to be a terrible time if you haven't prepared.
If you have prepared, it's going to be rough, but you will survive.
Anyway, I expect it'll be a lot quieter later this summer as we'll get into a period of time where there will be like a sort of a generalized breakdown in the structure of work.
So, you know, it may happen that we don't have 30 or 40 logging trucks go by my house in a day.
Maybe the logging trucks will just cease for a while as the mills shut down and everybody hunkers down.
because of the fighting in this area or those kind of things, right?
It's going to be very, very unusual.
The conditions will not be duplicated everywhere.
So your conditions may be quite unique relative to, you know, even 200 miles away.
It's just going to be that kind of a situation.
Now, remember, in May, we're going to have Kim Trail Awareness Month.
And in May, I will actually on the 1st of June, I'm going to go through.
So 1st of May, you can start sending me chemtrail pictures.
You put a chemtrail picture on Twitter, on X, and you tag me, Cliff Underbar High, and you tag me on your chemtrail picture.
And then at the end of the month, on the 1st of June, I'm going to go through on all of those that had been presented to me over the course of that month and find out which one was the most liked and which one was the most
uh, retweeted and I'll do the most retweeted, um, retweeted, uh, video as well.
So if you do a video of chemtrails, uh, make it less than like two minutes though, guys, we got to, I got to, people just won't watch it if it's much longer than that.
Uh, anyway though, um, and I will give away one ounce of gold, one ounce gold Eagle, uh, for the most, uh, retweeted chemtrail picture, uh,
and for the most liked Kim trail picture and for the most, uh, retweeted, um, video.
Now this is not shares.
I don't care about Facebook or any of that.
So it's gotta be on X. Um, and so I don't care about any other platform, but do whatever you can to, to, um, uh, win these.
So get your friends to, you know, um, retweet and pass your,
share your material on X. You can promote it day after day after day after day after day through the whole month.
I do not care.
Whatever it takes to get you up there to where your numbers are bigger than anybody else's in the likes or the retweets, that's what you want to do.
And then on June 1, it may take me a couple of days depending on how successful my little contest is here, but then I'll go through and find out who won and then we'll
we'll announce it and then I'll contact them and we'll arrange to mail the mail, the price tool.
And obviously this is a way of raising awareness of chemtrails and bringing that up into the public discussion.
And that's one of our deeper terrible secrets, right?
Chemtrails are massively terrible things.
They've reduced testosterone in all species since 1969.
testosterone levels have fallen in all species more than half.
And since 1969, we've had reduction in sperm counts more than half in all species measured.
We're talking fish, frogs, it does not matter, right?
So Alex Jones saying they're turning the frogs gay, they're trying to kill us all off by making us all non-reproductive.
And so this is one of those things I thought, aha, here's a way to highlight that and bring it more to the attention of the normies because we've got to get this shit stopped.
You know, it's their weather modification anyway.
So the more we stop that, the less Lahaina kind of issues that we'll have, that sort of thing.
Anyway, guys, that's it for today.
Take care.
We're in it now.
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