Trans Cash

11 months ago

The evil trans movement is largely about another way for evil "doctors" and others to make cash. Many more abortions are done by using drugs, thus not as many surgical abortions, thus the evil doctors have turned to mutilating and drugging children and others. This is what the sexual revolution has morphed into. It is destroying society. So many young people and others have have h their lives ruined by this evil. So many forces aer pushing the evil of transgenderism and so many are profiteering from it.
Jennifer Bilek has done much research in what is behind the evil trans movement. Her blog is 11th Hour, Transgender, Technology, Capitalism
And Brandon Showalter of the Christian Post has done great work in speaking on the evil of the transgender movement. He has co-authored an e-book: Exposing the Gender Lie. It can be found at
This evil has to stop or society won't survive.

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