Burn: The Last Witness (part 15)

8 months ago

Burn: The Last Witness
(The Midnight Hunt)
*when creation first fell, the Old One slipped out of the darkness between realms to bring chaos to the first world. For centuries, that beast was a living nightmare that delighted in the horror it inflicted on all mortal men. It was aided in that endeavor by the original Corners of Midnight, however, and Dannawthen...a fallen angel who did not join the rebellion against heaven that broke creation, yet did not stand with heaven either...was the worst of those originals. Dannawthen is an agent of chaos, a radical fanatic that truly believes the order of the Creator...of anyone...is the real evil and the utter breakdown of creation is the only fair paradise to be found. Dannawthen served the choas of the Old One until the Pentitent banished the Old One to the deepest reaches of space. Devastated that he failed in his service, Dannawthen fled to the bowels of the earth to sleep and only rise if ever the Old One returned. Once that beast finally found its way back to the first earth, Dannawthen woke to serve again wherever he was needed. He roams the western corner of the newly darkened earth. Not given his own domain to travel, Dannawthen serves the west along with the three other original Corners. He brings choas as the Shine shrinks, his only goal to stop any from entering or leaving the Citadel until the Shine is gone for good and he at last can aide the Old One in destroying the Citadel so the Old One can have the first earth as fully as it had it before [AI Art]*

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