Fathers heart

11 months ago

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Father's heart

Prophetic Word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
15th of March 2024 2.31

My children, don't be surprised when the shakings and tremors appear.

My children I AM longing to pour out My promises over you and the hidden things in My Kingdom will be shown to you. Because what no eyes have seen and what no ears have heard I will reveal this to My children.

You are My heritage and you have no idea how much I want to lavish upon you with My wealth. My Kingdom is not for the faint hearted, because you have to stand firmly and strong in My word with a child-like faith.

I have already decided to give you My Kingdom, because I have selected you and I have chosen you for the time as this. You are My Joy and I Am rejoicing over you every day, yes, I AM dancing with you and I AM lifting you out of every difficult situation that seems to be impossible. I split the sea so My People can go right through it because I Am a consuming fire.

My children, when you let yourself be corrected it pleases Me.

Every true father will always correct his children while there is still time. Every Correction is necessary and it is needed. Some of you are asking Me why do you correct us? As your Heavenly Father it is because I love My children. Maybe it looks like I AM harsh to you, but you will thank Me later. Without correction you will end up being rebellious and prideful.

When you are mature you will understand. Through the Maturity comes obedience and through a humble receptive heart that I Am teaching you to learn how to discern every situation in your life.

Many of you need to eat solid meat and not drink milk as you still do. Maturity is the ability to discern and gain wisdom.

If you are lacking any wisdom then ask for it, because I can't give you the wisdom if you are not asking for it. Why don't you ask? You will surely get an answer if you are asking.

My children, who are experiencing rejection. I will let you know that I will NEVER LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU because I have given you the promises in My words. I have given you the authority and power to command Satan to leave you in My son's name Yeshua Hamashiach.

Read My words, proclaim it with your mouth. The power of life and death is in your tongue so speak the life of resurrection power over your life. My children, you are born to be victorious, overcomers and you are the head and not the tail.

You shall chase and pursue the enemies and overtake the enemies camp like King David did when his enemies took and stole everything from David and his men. His men even tried to kill him but because David was seeking My face I was with David and he chased, pursued and overtook the entire camp of the enemy. As A result of it he got everything restored.

I AM a good father and I Am full of mercy, long-suffering and kindness-trust. Lean on Me and not on your own understanding. Put your Trust in Me, have faith in Me for I AM the only one who can change your situation. I have seen your pain, despair, fear and chaos.
Shout I, "I command every fear, despair and chaos to go in Jesus name!". You shall confess My words with your mouth :"I speak to peace and order to come! Now! "In Jesus name!"
My children learn how to hate what I hate. Love the things that I love and the only way is to read My word, because when you know the truth. The truth will set you free and you shall be free indeed says ABBA your Heavenly Father.
I want you to know Me and the only way that you can know Me is spending time with Me. I love you and you are precious and you are wonderfully made. As My children you are born to be warriors. You are a Royal Priesthood and chosen generation.

When I was new in my faith I learned that I should imagine that the fear, the lies, depression, anxiety, anger, hurt, trauma was a thief. Satan has come to steal, kill and destroy. This is his plan to distract you from doing what God has commanded us to do.

Focus on the word of God.

So I took the fear in the beginning of my faith I imagined and I pretended that the fear is a thief then I went out to the door. I Opened the door, threw it out and I said, you get out of my house now in Jesus name then I shot the door over and over again. I did it so many times until my faith was restored.

So I learned in a practical way because I need to do an act and act of faith. Peace and order came into my life and then I got more and more bold.
I was no longer afraid so in that way I learned how to resist the devil.

This is the teaching for some of you if you don't know how to handle it in your own situation. Remember God has always a way out of every impossible situation. He is a waymaker, promise keeper and light in the darkness.

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