This came out of my iPhone immediately after I clicked on your link to YouTube.

5 months ago

For Greg. This came out of my iPhone immediately after I clicked on your link to YouTube on 11 April 2024.

For the record I don't live in Asia and nobody anywhere near me speaks Chinese.

Does anybody know what language this is, and what are they saying?

<as he walks out of building entrance towards biodisel plant>

Hi my name is Greg Baiden from Penguin ASI in Sudbury Ontario and today I'm going to show you a biodisel plant installation that my partners and I think can help Ukraine to recover from the Russian destruction of energy infrastructure that has impacted cities in the east of the country like Kharkiv. It's now early April 2024 and in the time since Putin's sham election he has tried to bomb the Zaporizhia hydroelectric dam and the thermal power plant in Kharkiv. The plant I'm about to show you can help recover, restore and rebuild the power grid. Then once we sell the first static plant so that you can see it work, we plan to modify the second one so that it is mobile, on a truck and a trailer. But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. Here's the beast.

<describe the input and the output and indicate the various components>
<maybe with marker and masking tape, so that you can refer to it later on at the chalkboard>

Ok now let's go inside and see how these components cause biofuel like oats and wheat and trees to be mulched and reduced to biodiesel, for use anywhere there is a generator. The nice thing about this idea is that we take surplus grain which Putin prevents you from selling because of his blockade on the Black Sea and turns that surplus grain into usable fuel, for generators and such like.

<by now you are in the building and at the chalkboard>
<on the chalkboard describe in vague details without giving away too much IP your process>

So now that you've seen the engineering let's get down to capabilities. The plant needs as input X Y Z. Let's take pine trees for example. The plant digests D tons per hour and outputs P litres per hour. We need our supply to look like A hectares of logs piled 2 metres high. We haven't experimented with barley yet but reckon the energy content to be roughly the same as pine trees.

<great if you have all this on the chalkboard>

So our energy balance looks like THIS, and our formula looks like THAT, and we make money if we have these CONDITIONS. We can run at a loss as well, given the urgent need in Kharkiv which means that liquid fuel is at a premium.

I really think this device fills a crying need in Kharkiv. And just as soon as we deliver our first static plant we'll be hard at work on a truck-mounted plant, so as to move to our input biomass, rather than have it move to our static location (which is more easy to destroy).

Any questions?

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