10 months ago

Listen, Hollywood. If you sell your soul, your life will be brief and fake. Do you not know what "hell" IS? It means "death", in fullest essence of reality. Do you know your Sacred Scriptures, delivered into the ears of humankind, by the living Word? Messiah calls the final judgement the "FIERY LAKE" and the "SECOND DEATH". That is to say the FINAL death of your SOUL. You can not either rule nor serve there, only DIE, and be dead, FOREVER! No coming back, EVER!!!

Now, Yah is an exacting God and Judge, perfect in ALL of his ways. So, where is the pain in dying and being blotted out, blank and numb, forevermore? I shall tell you. When you see a perfect, not to mention beautiful beyond belief, place to live, everlastingly, and in a perfect body of light, energy and wisdom never ceasing, then hear your name called for FIRE destruction, instead, you shall weep, mourn and gnash your teeth, crying out for the mercy that was already available, but which you rejected and denied. Yet, that is not but only the first great pain!

Secondly, you will realize that you didn't earn the 1st Resurrection, having missed out upon Paradise restored, from the Nile to the Euphrates, which shall last nearly 1,000 years, before Mt. Zion/New Jerusalem, rises up from off Earth, carrying all those who did make the 1st Resurrection, to a new, even more blissful, heavenly realm and new abode, prepared just for them. However, you won't be there to see and witness this, because you'll already been gone. In the meantime, you'll have to say "goodbye" to all those who you did know that made it into the heavenly realm, forever. You might try to beg them to keep you there, let you live, somehow, yet it will not be within their power to decide nor to restore your soul. You will have lost it, forever!

Third, everyone being judged according to their works / deeds, good or evil, righteous or wrongful, constructive or destructive, abundant or lacking, will have a different type of journey towards and within the LAKE OF FIRE. For every sin that hurt someone else, as well as ALL others that those sins effected with pain, shall be your's to relive, suffer, know and feel, as you are CONSUMED! Yes, you shall be made to suffer each and every PAIN of ALL your sins, before allowed to die and feel nothing, FOREVER. The same holds true for your would-be king, the satan, by any given name. He once was a light-bearer, yet feel into deep darkness. He shall also be no more, forevermore.

Messiah refers to those of you, counted among those condemned, as the "walking dead". Your common and most famous names shall fade into history, soon to become entirely forgotten, even the memory of you. There will remain no hope for you, not even thoughts nor wishful thinking. GONE!

These are the "torments" they you shall be bound with, which in Old English means chains or binding devices.

Now, Scripture is available to you, today, like never before, you have the ability to SEARCH and DISCOVER life. But now is all you have, and time is short, regardless of how long you live, by measure of the stretch of compared ETERNITY. So, what then shall be your excuse, when the Creator asks you through the lips of his first created Son and appointed King, "WHY?!"

You will have none, as you have none, right now, at this very moment. You didn't KNOW? Did not REALIZE? Or simply did not ever really even try? You were simply far too busy, acting and playing out a much more important, selfish, temporary role? You were attending to yourself, fulfilling your own worldly needs, having "fun". You either forgot or ignored the true needs of all the others, around you.

This is what it means to be DAMNED to hell.

A short lesson, the rest you must learn for yourself, then repent or DIE. There are only TWO CHOICES. Everlasting death or everlasting life. But what is the or a "soul"?

If humanity only knew and comprehended, Messiah is the Soul of YAH, the Creator of all and everything that is good and natural. He placed his spirit within the first born Light~!
Spirit, first, embodied, secondly, in the realm of Heaven.

Upon Earth, it is the exact, reverse, mirrored, opposite reflection, in human image. Body + Spirit = Soul. (Gen.2:7)
Souls do die, the physical portion returning to the earthly elements, the spirt returning to the Great Spirit, provider of all spirit(s) of life. (Ecclesiastes 12:7)
After this, then one of two resurrections. One, the first, unto everlasting life. Another, the second, unto judgment and everlasting death and abhorrence!

You see, your spirit is breath and life and energy.
It is like a recording of everything that you ever did, while within your earthly, bodily temple. If unacceptably dark and evil, that spirit must be completely cleansed and absolutely purified, that record being consumed by divine fire and utterly destroyed, FOREVER!
No thoughts, no dreams, no hopes, no wishes, NOTHING!
No memories to be cherished, made nor shared, EVER!
Not even the essence of who and what you once were.

No more sins, violence, fears, alcohol, drugs, sex, parties, wars, disease, etc. THAT is Heaven!

1Corinthians 2:9
Rather, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him.”

Earth is the closest you will ever come to Heaven.
This world is the closest the faithful will ever come to hell.

The past is gone, the future never here.
NOW is all you have, which is fleeting.

All men die. Few ever truly live.

There is one issue that you must be made to know and always remember, keeping it in mind, for as long as you live;
You've already forgiven and always have been, IF you only, simply accept it. THE END

NUMBERS 6:24-26
Psalms 23

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