TEARS Christmas 2022 University Student Trip: Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic capital)-Part 3 of 3

11 months ago

This video is part 3 of a 3 part series of the 2022 Christmas Excursion to the capital of the Dominican Republic for the students who are part of the TEARS Foundation University sponsorship program. These are some of the nicest young people, and it has been my pleasure to help support them through the TEARS university sponsorship program. Don't forget to Watch PARTS 1 & 2 for more fun sites and sounds from our trip.

In this episode we visit Palacio Virreinal de Diego Colón, a.k.a. Alcázar de Colón, the oldest viceregal residence in America. Diego Colón, the son of Christopher Columbus, had it built when he became Viceroy of Española and the Indies in 1509. Completed around 1512, it was home to Diego Columbus, and wife María de Toledo, niece of King Ferdinand of Spain.

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