Italian health authorities under investigation for murder after concealing jab dangers

10 months ago

Italian health authorities under investigation for murder after concealing jab dangers - Original source: GregReese -Mirrored source: PatriotHangout channel

(This story was uploaded 3 months ago.)

'Speranza and Magrini evidently gave instructions to the local health authorities to conceal the deaths and serious side effects'
Rome’s Public Prosecutor’s Office is investigating two of the country’s top health authorities for allegedly concealing the dangers of the COVID-19 injections.

Journalist Greg Reese reported from Italian and German media Monday that former Health Minister Roberto Speranza is being investigated for murder and “ideological faleshood.” The accusations are based on leaked email communications between Speranza and former Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) Director General Nicola Magrini.

According to Italian media, the emails show that Magrini and Speranza knew the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine lacked safety data and could cause serious adverse events. In one email, an expert from AIFA wrote and underlined, "Attention! Fragile patients are among the unstudied populations."

The then-health minister nevertheless assured the Italian public of the injection's safety and coerced professional groups like teachers and police officers to take the injections.

“We have now reached a massively significant percentage of vaccinated people in Italy, 89.41%,” Speranza announced during the pandemic. “Therefore, currently in Italy, just over 10% of the population remains unvaccinated.”

Furthermore, “Speranza and Magrini evidently gave instructions to the local health authorities to conceal the deaths and serious side effects that occurred immediately after the jabs began in order not to jeopardize the vaccination campaign — and to reassure the citizens about their safety,” reported Reese.

The investigation is reportedly the result of a complaint filed by Listen to Me, an organization representing approximately 4,200 Italians injured by the jab. Listen to Me was reportedly joined by the Association of Associated Security Operators (OSA Italy) led by Antonio Porto, the national general secretary of OSA Police (who succeeded the Provincial Secretariat LES Caserta), the Democratic Financiers Union, and the former White Senator Laura Granato.

“The accusation is that the responsible minister and the head of the drug authority knowingly and deliberately exposed the unsuspecting Italian population to this risk,” reported German media.

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