Bret Weinstein: They have no use for us

11 months ago

What they have recognized is that they have no use for us and I wish that was an exaggeration but you can see this so clearly in what they did to the public over Covid. They were unconcerned about delivering novel, they are not vaccines, novel so-called vaccines into people who stood no chance for benefiting from it. Healthy young people, there was never an argument that made any sense for delivering those shots to healthy young people about the best you could say was that you might do that in order to protect vulnerable infirm people. That's not something what a rational civilization would do but at least that's a logical argument. But at the point that we discovered that these things did not in any way control the disease, they didn't control people contracting it, they didn't control people transmitting it. The logic for inflicting them on healthy young people who were not threatened by Covid and stood to gain nothing evaporated and yet we're doing it to this day. A Harvard apparently just re-initiated their policy of requiring those shots for their own students. What's that telling you is that whatever is driving doesn't care that it is going to kill people who have long potentially important contribute long lives with potentially important contributions to make.

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