Elk From Kitchen Window - Sudden Snow Brings Herd Down Into Open

10 months ago

With all this surprise heavy, wet snow it's typical for elk, deer and other animals to come down from the flanking canyons. Less cover over the spring grasses as well as plenty of excess hay laying around from the cattle feedings. Nice to 1. notice them in the first place (another rando glance out window in passing. Easily missed and more evidence that there has to be stuff out there all the time); 2. have them come down close vs miles on either side; 3. be in a perfect position to take pictures with sunset glass glare hiding my movements ... yes, I've been spotted many times while inside by close wildlife that then flees. If I tried to sneak out there, they'd know and be gone with the wind. 4. decided that despite insects showing up, it was better to take the screens down for better photos of the stuff outside.

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