BEAUTIFUL Hymn- Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (Sing Along with Lyrics)

10 months ago

The most uplifting, beautiful hymn that has been a classic for so many years in churches of all kinds. This triumphant melody was originally written by Beethoven, and never ceases to stir the soul and make us sing along! Praise the Lord today with this glorious hymn! [and don't miss the pipe organ in the last verse!!]

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Lastly, consider this channel your own personal hymn-sing - I'm always hoping for new requests for hard-to-find songs. If you have a favourite hymn you'd like to hear or something you can't find anywhere else on the internet, please leave a comment below and let me know, or email and I'll see if I can do it for you! The older and less known, the better! It's always a delight to unearth treasures from the past and give them a new voice to reach believers in a new era.


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Lyrics - ELW 836

1 Joyful, joyful we adore thee,
God of glory, Lord of love!
Hearts unfold like flow'rs before thee,
praising thee, their sun above.
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness,
drive the gloom of doubt away.
Giver of immortal gladness,
fill us with the light of day.

2 All thy works with joy surround thee,
earth and heav'n reflect thy rays,
stars and angels sing around thee,
center of unbroken praise.
Field and forest, vale and mountain,
flow'ry meadow, flashing sea,
chanting bird, and flowing fountain
call us to rejoice in thee.

3 Thou art giving and forgiving,
ever blessing, ever blest,
well-spring of the joy of living,
ocean-depth of happy rest!
Thou our Father, Christ our brother,
all who live in love are thine;
teach us how to love each other,
lift us to the joy divine!

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