Rumi - At the Twilight - Great Poems read by Karen Golden

10 months ago

"At The Twilight" is a mystical and metaphorical poem by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi.
The poem explores the themes of transformation, transcendence, and the merging of the self with the divine. It uses the imagery of a moon appearing in the sky and descending to earth to convey the idea of a spiritual journey and union with the divine. It evokes a sense of awe and wonder at the transformative power of spiritual experiences.

Rumi The Big Red Book, Translated by Coleman Parks
At the twilight, a moon appeared in the sky.
Then it landed on earth to look at me.

Like a hawk stealing a bird at the time of prey,
That moon stole me and rushed back into the sky.

I looked at myself, I did not see me anymore.
For in that moon, my body turned as fine as soul.

The nine spheres disappeared in that moon.
The ship of my existence drowned in that sea.
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