What Guns and Gear to "Panic Buy"(Oh Yes, You Need Hard Skills, too)

10 months ago

Good advice...
The Pepsi and Cola are being laced with magnetic nano-particles in order to remote-control the bio-robot assassins and brainchipzombies... that is a warning. Taxpayers are kept in the dark about the brainchip-hivemind that connects all the Freemasons and Luciferians into an army under an Ai supercomputer controller. You see the USA(and world) is split into two civilizations... The New World cUlt of human2.0-thUgs and the old world (where oblivious people vote for wicked politicians and happy taxpayers plan their next family-holiday from work). The old world workers are oblivious of the cUlt-people while the cult-people rule over the oblivious people... but this is greatly changing as the cUlt genocides the taxpayers who are becoming irrelevant from the cUlt's perspective.

Freemasons are the secret communists and they are in every position of authority throughout Western Civilization... it is a trap to flip overnight into totalitarianism. The new civilization of thUgs are in control of the old voting civilization of paying taxes.
JFK warned you before his assassination: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8VViwj6F1KKR/

You are in a trap set-up by the secret societies to blame the illegal immigrants for there uncivilized behavior of raiding stores... this is why the USA border was opened up and is still open... the immigrants are the scapegoat for the treachery of the Freemasons and Luciferians. (A Luciferian is a brainchipped minion who takes commands from the Ai supercomputer ruling the digital world.)

Once the Freemasons stop feeding and housing the illegal immigrants... law-breakers will group-up and will roam for food and shelter as mobs. This is why the AR-15 is being banned for home protection by Freemason politicians... it is a conspiracy of thUgs setting a trap for the oblivious.


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