Income Tax Instagram Post - Bootlicking, Willful Tax Slaves and Peasants

10 months ago

A post from the Instagram page historyinmemes and oh my god. So many willful tax slaves with their comments and the muh love it or leave it arguments among other cliche, unoriginal rhetoric. Then a user or two on there being such pieces of shit that they threaten military action on another user. The following post is on that page and surely there are even worse comments on there now. Comparing taxes to a membership? Yeah, no, nobody consented to any of this and nobody asked to be born. That's a fact. Just because one was born into some certain geographical area, that makes us modern day tax slaves. I keep hearing about all these so called benefits or whatever when several of these things existed even with minimal taxes and fees. The rhetoric from bureaucrats and company is strong along with the bilge from corporate media. Shows how strong Stockholm Syndrome, Psychological Warfare and Psychological Manipulation is. Right out of Silence of the Lambs. Some other comments showcasing what bilge much of this is and that things like income tax are indeed theft and that the IRS is legalized thievery. IRS agent or any IRS jobs are thankless for good reason and they deserve the scrutiny they get, especially when they target people for completely arbitrary and vindictive reasons, like how the FBI recently bragged about going after Alex Jones and how they entrapped him, indirectly of course but a practical admittance despite all the lame excuses that will come pouring out from the useful lemmings and real life NPCs. So many zombie minded, programmed NPCs that are taught to enjoy their lowly peasant status while the rulers and elite get a bunch of special benefits. As George Carlin said, it's a big club and you ain't in it. So much more could be said. Endless.
Custom items including T-shirts, mugs, bags and many other items at Zazzle, more at the following link:

Different fake mask items and more at the following link. Maskholes and Mask Nazis still exist throughout:

The Federal Reserve is problematic and the worst out of Jekyll Island:

So much bureaucracy, tyranny, plutocracy, technocracy, imperialism, collectivism, statism, etc.

Disclaimer: As said before, another lost soul out there trying to still figure so many things out and having realizations of all the lies and such that were told throughout and how things were never what they were claimed to be. I may be eligible with the following recommendations.

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