Long Time Ally Turns on Trump on National TV

10 months ago

Could you, in good conscience, endorse Donald Trump if you were Mike Pence? 🤔💭

Now, I’ve seen plenty of chatter about Mike Pence stepping away from Trump this election cycle.

And while I’ve never been Pence’s biggest fan, I think there’s a bigger picture to consider here. 🎨

It’s really important to not allow emotions to get the better of us and to remember our roots as conservatives and libertarians.

It’s not just about who’s leading the charge; it’s about the principles we stand for. 🚀

Sure, loyalty matters, but shouldn’t our country and our core values come first?

I get it, some see Pence’s move as a lack of loyalty to Trump. But maybe, just maybe, it’s about sticking to what he believes is right for the nation.

And in a way, doesn’t that reflect the true spirit of our cause?

AS I noted, I don’t agree with Pence’s moves regarding Trump - but I won’t personally demonize him for the way he sees things.

The way I see it, our focus should neither be on Pence or Trump - but on saving America (and by extension the world) - from the direction it’s headed.

Trump may or may not be a stop-gap for a lot of evil that’s threatening to crash over the globe like a tidal wave.

We just need to remember one thing. Especially Christians.

Trump isn’t Jesus Christ. He isn’t anybody’s messiah. He isn’t anybody’s King Cyrus. He isn’t anyone’s anointed.

He isn’t “God’s man in the White House” (even should he win the White House again.)

Every believer must remember that there is only one king. And one king alone.

And no political figure on Earth is that man.

So to sum up: our focus should always be on principles and policies over personalities. 🌟

Let’s spread the word and remind everyone what being a true conservative and libertarian is all about! 📢💪

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