Fixing Pro-Life Strategy: Smashmouth Incrementalism at the Polls | Doug Wilson

9 months ago

Blog & Mablog
Apr 10, 2024
Fixing Pro-Life Strategy: Smashmouth Incrementalism at the Polls | Doug Wilson
So a couple of days ago, Donald Trump announced his stance on abortion. He declined to go for a national abortion ban, saying that the issue should be left to the individual states. In addition, he also affirmed the standard-issue “safe-for-politicians” pro-life stance, which includes room for abortion in cases of “rape, incest, and the life of the mother.”

On top of that, the Arizona Supreme Court just decided that an 1864 law, which constitutes a near-total ban on abortion, is enforceable. This is sure to inflame the left, and is likely to juice turnout for Biden. Trump’s vacillation on abortion is sure to inflame the right, and is likely to juice absolutely nothing because the right has nowhere to go. We glance to the right of Trump, eager to cast our vote for the Pure Candidate over there, and it turns out that he’s not running. Again.

And this is why we should be able to see how the times are crying out for more detailed discussion of the absolute need for smashmouth incrementalism. The time is ripe for the kind of clarity that only smashmouth incremental thinking can provide. Interested? Stick with me.

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