Our Ancestors Already Beat This Game - A Psychopath's Guide To Enlightenment by Blair Black

11 months ago

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Life in the 21st century is like living inside of a video game that someone else has already beaten. We’ve come to consciousness among empty levels, born lost and left to wander. wondering just what the point of this game might be because it certainly isn’t obvious. The point of the game isn’t obvious because we’ve already won.
The game was Nature vs Everybody, and the point was to survive and reproduce and our ancestors…they fucking won.They killed all the bad guys, beat all the bosses, explored the whole map and eventually freed us from nature and once they were free they drew a clear line between nature and civilization and we’ve never looked back since
The point of life in nature was to survive reproduce but ever since we defeated nature survival and reproduction, they haven’t really been a problem anymore…well actually, they’re still a problem, but now they’re just a problem in the opposite direction and now we’re so far removed from nature that people think that there are actually too many people surviving too long and reproducing too much, so much so in fact that the leading cause of death today is abortion…and what ever type of way you may feel about abortion it certainly is interesting that what was once the point of life is now the leading cause of death. Also interesting to wonder what might happen to a species that has become inverted to that degree? Either way, I think its a pretty clear signal that the original point of the game has been achieved and now…you're on your own to do what you can with what remains
What Im really trying to say is that you were born into a time and a place and a situation that nature never foresaw and you’re essentially a polar bear in the zoo, or a killer whale at sea world…because just like them, you’ve been removed from your ancestral homeland, cut from your hunting grounds, and forced into a lifestyle that doesn’t even remotely resemble how you evolved to live and now (like them) you live life without purpose and that catastrophic loss is at the very center of our modern existential crisis. Your depression and anxiety is the same depression and anxiety that the animals in zoo feel, it comes from the same source…a deep longing for a purpose that you’ve never even lived but is inside of you none-the-less, and every day that they don’t get to hunt the Savannah or swim the open ocean, their depression grows and deepens as does yours.
You evolved to be earths Apex predator but you’re a delivery driver and your brain is very bothered by that but the low consciousness benevolent do gooders in our society…they think they’re helping us by putting us in captivity, they think they’ve helped us by freeing us from our responsibilities but all they’ve really done is steal our god given purpose from us…a purposed shared by every animal in nature, passed down and honed over the course of eternity gone in just a few hundred years…and a human without a purpose…well…it’s us
Look, The answers are simple and I explain them all in as few words as possible in my book. a psychopaths guide to enlightenment and I call it a psychopaths guide to enlightenment because I am indeed a psychopath, and as a psychopath I clinically don't give a fuck and ironically that has led me to a very deep understanding of the causes of human suffering because as it turns out when you look at life without a lot of emotion different patterns start to emerge and that’s what this book is about…it’s information from the other side.
Psychopaths go far in life because they don't follow society's rules. After all, society's rules are just society's rules; they’re not the laws of nature. They’re arbitrary and they’re constantly shifting and only need to be respected to the extent that you aren’t put in prison and lose your freedom for breaking them. I haven’t been afraid to burn bridges or walk away from careers and relationships that most sane people would find truly unthinkable and you know what happened to me as a result of that, Im the happiest person I know, Im married to the literal woman of my dreams and everybody likes me. So, I have decided (for money) to expose myself and report back with information from the other side to help you see the world from a different perspective and make the most out of your one short life and like the magna carta and the declaration of independence, I kept as short and to the point as possible, 60 pages of insight from insanity and a way out of this fucked up herd and all of its weak, dysfunctional and hypocritical leadership. It’s a goddamned philosophical masterpiece for the price of a t-shirt available only on my website A psychopaths guide to enlightenment by me, Blair black, available only at my website a psychopathsguidetoenlightenment.com

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