Origin of the Jews ( cain - kenites -canaanites - edomites )

10 months ago

Origin of the Jews ( cain - kenites -canaanites - edomites )

Source: thelameduck
#edomites #cain #kenites
An article you may find Interesting.
Israeli Geneticist Reveals Non-Israelite Origins Of Ashkenazi Jews

This video explains the origin of the jews from a Christian, and an historical, perspective. Historical and scriptural citations provided

Who rules the world? Only one people, the Jews. But this was not always so. Over the centuries they have infiltrated all of our white nations and using usury and other corrupt practices they have gradually built up their financial power. the pinnacle of this machination was with their establishment of centralized banking systems, which they use to have total control over the money supply of our nations. Through this strangle hold on the money supply they have bribed and coerced our people into giving our nation over to the beast in exchange for worldly goods and lusts. Today, and for some time now, they have dominated every government and now there is not a single institution in any of our countries that does not completely bow to their will.

With this enormous financial power and influence, the Jews have one primary objective in mind. The complete eradication of the white European people. To wipe us off the face of the earth. They strive to do this primarily through mass immigration to white nations; to brown our nations out and subsequently encourage our people to race mix themselves out of existence. They further seek to destroy the White race by encouraging violence against Whites in the name of anti-racism. They even guilt trip whites into turning against each other through psychological means. For this they invented the term racism which never existed before, As well as white supremacism, homophobia and many others. All terms which they sling like mud at any white man or woman who dare to speak out. All to trap our people in the world and to shame them. and by this they subtly lower our birth rates, encouraging race mixing and sodomy. All this racially-charged propaganda creates a deadly envy of Whites in the dark races, as well as White guilt among the White race simply for being white.

This propaganda is most effective particularly against our white females who are more susceptible to Jewish lies and manipulation, and is perfectly exemplified in the serpent going after Eve in the Garden. And no wonder, since the Jews are of the serpent seed. White females are especially encouraged to race mix and the Jews even making it "fashionable", or desirable (verses Gen 3:4-5) to go against your own kind, and to side with the dark races. If you can't defeat your enemy through war then why not convince the enemy to erase themselves? That is their plan.

Of course this not their only weapon. They poison us with their pharmaceuticals, they corrupt us with degeneracy. They encourage gambling, drug and alcohol addiction, divorce and sexual degeneracy. They have destroyed all our moral values very steadily through the media which they control and the Hollywood industry, which they've invented. With these and their other controlled interests that they can also control the narrative. Ultimately, the Jews are against Christian values in every way. But then how could they be the people of the Bible, which they claim to be, when they are so openly opposed to God and so opposed to Christians? They openly admit to the undermining of our Christian culture.

They boast how they have destroyed our Christian nations, they boast concerning demographic change, that we are on track to be minorities in our own countries. But why is this? Why are they hell bent on our destruction? Why do they bear such a destructive enmity towards us? Why do they seek to kill us more than anything else in the world? To answer this you must first understand who they are. If the Jews are not the people of the Bible, then what else are they lying about? The answers to these questions and the acceptance of the truth, facts, and historical witnesses, is the spiritual battle we find ourselves in today. This is a spiritual battle against the rulers of this dark world. Who will you believe? Christ said to them, "your father is the devil," and that their "father was a liar." And then they killed Him. If they lie about everything and if Christ said they lie about everything, then surely they must be lying about their identity.... And they are


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