What does the constitution say about abortion

10 months ago

David Shestokas our constitutionalist attorney joins Pastor Greg to discuss the issue of abortion in light of President Trump's statement on it. Should the federal government play a role in defending life at conception? Is this a state issue?
After reading this statement and Cliff Kincaid on Trevor Louden's site they discuss https://www.trevorloudon.com/2024/04/trump-bails-on-protecting-the-right-to-life/
The federal government’s sole purpose is to defend our rights, rights found in the constitution but the very first right has to be the right to life. now God is the one who gives us that life, but it is the responsibility of the federal government to defend my life so that I have the ability then to pursue liberty and happiness the unalienable rights that are a part of the Declaration of Independence. How can I possibly enjoy religious freedom freedom of speech, freedom of the press freedom to redress the government and freedom to peacefully assemble and the right to defend myself if the federal government does not step in and say yes we will protect your right to live. These are the foundation upon which the constitution is built so if the federal government is not defending life, liberty, and my ability to pursue happiness or own property, then the federal government is failing. So this brings up two points, number one the issue of life at conception and the reality then that that life has rights and the federal government has a responsibility from the moment that I am born to defend me against all enemies foreign and domestic that would attempt to take my life. On the other hand also brings into question. What kind of punishment or penalty is going to be given to those that would take that life murder has capital punishment. Now there has been a movement to eliminate the idea of capital punishment but what then is the solution? What then is the deterrent for someone who is darkened in their heart so that they would not take a life in pursuit of whatever it is that they are pursuing?

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