US might have managed to wind up Yemen, Iran & Russia ALL in one go.

5 months ago

The US has managed to single handedly upset Yemen, Iran and Russia all in one move that will do anything but bring peace...
Right, so this has gone down like a cup of cold sick and just when it was being reported that the US and Iran had come to some kind of a truce with each other over the matter of Israel as well, because the US has scored something of a win against the Houthis, they’ve got one up on them and Iran being the Houthis backers, the media never mention that do they? Well they aren’t happy about it and indeed if the US think what they’ve done here is quite the clever trick well they might end up regretting that, especially since it’s unlikely it could be repeated and does absolutely nothing to calm tensions in the Middle East right now. What the US have done is in my view nothing short of stupid.
Right, so what’s happened then Damo, you’ve kept us in suspense long enough here, what has the US done to the Houthis to upset Iran so much that you reckon was a really stupid thing to do? Well, you might call this something along the lines of flipping the Houthis the bird and Iran too whilst they are at it, and can only possibly result in them redoubling their efforts against the US and all other pro-Israel entities in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.
What the US have done is effectively taken the Houthis toys away and given to someone else. Iran having given Yemen said toys are not happy about this.
You see, the Houthis, being Iranian allies and Iran also being allied with Russia, meant the US has for a long time had issues with both countries, no real secret there, but this goes back years, eyed with suspicion as they are and across four maritime operations between May of 2021 and February of 2023, the US had intercepted four stateless vessels, unmarked jobbies, which were transferring arms and munitions from Iran, from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, to the Houthis in Yemen. No Russia involvement here, this was just the US pi**ing off Iran from what I can see, because they could and this was of course all well before the Houthis in Yemen had discovered they were capable of blockading the Red Sea without actually needing a Navy.
Come December of last year though, the US was able to claim ownership of those seized munitions via their own Department of Justice’s forfeiture claims. Now you could make an argument for saying, no, that’s theft, you can’t just go granting yourself ownership of said munitions, but then the US were hardly going to return them to Iran either. I’d argue as we see more typically in the case of seizures of arms or contraband, stuff people try to smuggle in through their suitcases at airports, we’ve all watched a border control program or two at some point I daresay, this stuff simply should have been destroyed, but that isn’t what has happened. Nor is it what happened with a previous arms seizure that Iran had packaged up intended for the Houthis in Yemen.

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