Fairweather Friends, we all have them or have experienced them in life; don't give them power!

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Today we will talk about a subject close to many of you; fake, fligty and fairweather friends! Let's discuss why you think they exist or why you may have turned into one and how you can help that person heal. I look forward to all of you being real and expressing emotions as to how it makes you feel when someone turns on you, has ghosted you or suddenly doesn't want you in their life anymore. This is a direct result of their own insecurities, feeling inadequate, jealousy and they don't know any other way than to disappear. Let's break down how it has affected you and how you can move on and meet the most amazing people waiting for you to walk into their lives. Kasia Sitarz, a true friend over the last 15 years, joins me as we talk about authenticity and how to heal your heart. We wlll also choose our next Cultivating a Vision Night so be ready to look at those calendars and pick the best day for our 5th installment!

#therealmonicaadams #talkshow #show #friends #friendships #realfriends #fakefriends #ghosting #ghosted #fake #authentic #bereal #knowyourvalue #cultivatingavision #US #Canada #devoted #changinglives

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