Replace Lake County FL Supervisor of Elections with REAL America Firster

9 months ago

If you want to make sure there is transparency and accountability in Florida elections, you've got to start with the Supervisors of Elections (SOE). That's where public records are kept...and, released if you can afford it. That's because most of the 67 SOEs charge so much for Public Records Requests that We the People can't afford to see what's REALLY going on. What are they hiding?

Tom Vail is one of a handful of candidates brave enough to step up and challenge one of those entrenched SOEs. Lake County needs to pony up and get behind this well-qualified candidate. Anyone else can donate too and that's what he says he needs the most.

A majority of Floridians have been complaining for years about the stolen election in 2020 and know there's something very wrong even in our supposed "Gold Standard" state. Well, now's the time to put your money where your mouth is and help candidates like Tom make the difference we need.

To find out more, go to Tom's Website at
You can also see all the news data Tom has collected on the 2020 election at:
To reach Tom directly, email him at: Tom@TomVail.Republican

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