Dr. Ingrid Skop And Melissa Ohden, Unique Facts On "Reproductive Rights"

10 months ago

This show has two interviews in one ...... First, Dr. Ingrid Skop, the pro-life OB/GYN from San Antonio, Texas who is the Medical Director at the Charlotte Lozier Institute, a pro-life research group, and she will talk about the March 26th Supreme Court oral hearing on the Abortion Kill Pill. With her first and the next guest we will use their experience to talk about other areas in the abortion debate that get left out about the harm to woman using the abortion kill pill. My next guest, Melissa Ohden with the Abortion Survivors Network, who is a clinical psychologist, will talk about the mental pain and suffering woman go through that have experienced the lack of .... well "effectiveness" of the kill pill and people who have survived an abortion. They both offer some unique perspectives and facts that are not talked about enough in public. They are obviously pro-life, but try to focus on getting out facts and taking care of woman more than being involved in political debates, narratives, or activism to change laws. I make an analogy to a medical narrative that I think makes a point to how easily people can be distracted by the narratives instead of looking a the facts. I think this will be a unique set of information.

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