Woman Was Given Months To Live & Had 'Aggressive' Cancer Treatments… There's Just One Teensy Problem

9 months ago

It's most often the case that we can trust our doctors to help us, but every so often a case comes along where we're reminded that it's not unreasonable to get second and even third opinions, particulary when it comes to grave diagnoses. Guess which type of case this is? Check it out: Mom given months to live, endures “aggressive” chemo — but never had cancer at all. -- Oh, but it gets WORSE. And they still made her pay for all the unnecessary treatments. Unbelievable.

• More at: Twitchy - Woman Was Given Months to Live & Had 'Aggressive' Cancer Treatments … There's Just ONE Teensy Problem
New York Post: Mom endures ‘intensive’ chemo after terminal diagnosis that left her saying goodbye — only to find out she never had cancer at all

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