Most Special Father's Day Gift of All Time

10 months ago

Happy Father's Day from Indy Hammered Knives.

I was commissioned for a custom knife for this Father's day and felt so honored and blessed to be a part of something so special I wanted to share the story with you here and now.

One special daughter wanted to do something more spectacular and more thoughtful than any I had ever heard of.

Now don't get me wrong, getting a hand crafted, hand forged knife for fathers day is certainly a very special gift in it own right. However, as a blacksmith / bladesmith this is the most special that I have ever been a part of.

She had a cigar box of her grandfathers, that was very special to him and he being always known by this cigar and a found memory of him always with his favorite cigar, she wanted to somehow incorporate the box (which was vintage and unbeknownst to her Father) into a knife some way some how.

Her idea was to have the incorporated box and hand crafted custom knife made for her Father to give to him on Fathers Day, which was actually the day his father (her Grandfather) died.

She left all the idea, creativity and design up to me. Which was a challenge since never before in history has a cigar box (which is basically paper) been made into a knife handle. Well never before now, never before Indy Hammered Knives

The process was this, one layer of leopard wood as the base, one layer of intentionally cut piece of cigar box and then all set in a clear epoxy resin mold to make it all one hard indestructible piece.

Take a look at the steps and the process. The only piece that is missing is the vacuum chamber the resin cast was set in to remove every microscopic air bubble to create a perfect resin cast, polished to look just like glass.

Please take a close look at the mural from the box and you will see the story of Garcia Vega's wife carving their initials into the infamous tree with her knife (which was carefully preserved for this handle) as well as the cigar makers marque signature on the other side.

It was an absolute pleasure and honor to be part of a gift that will be timeless and again the most special I have ever witnessed.

May God bless you both and may this knife be a memorial to your grandfather, now, forever and always!

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