Woke Council Member

10 months ago

Spreading Misinformation and Disinformation. Disparages History and Heritage of our Country and its People. Slap in the Face to Oath of Office disparaging the Constitution she swore to support and defend.

The Vice Mayor Waxes Political against the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. Vice Mayor is openly hostile towards the constitution she swore an oath to support and defend.

The Vice Mayor prefaces her politics with a disclaimer that she will only be openly political on issues of importance or issues that go against her politics which is clear openly stated bias. Remember those claiming not to be political are the most political of all.

The true historical context of the Declaration of Independence is very important and these political musings are woke at best and misleading at worst. The Declaration of Independence was written to the King of England. There is a long list of things made plain against the King. Here is the direct Quote written to the King (HE): “He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.”

In full context if the Vice Mayor is offended by these words in our Declaration she is claiming to be part of a merciless creed that stands against America even today. This is a complete misunderstanding of history and neglect of context. The Tule River Tribe are smeared by this ignorance.

The modern shallow “woke” interpretations of history disparage America and its founding. Furthermore they disparage the real and important heritage for all Americans today of all persuasions. This is misinformation and disinformation presented as if it was factual and not denigrating to every American today. THESE STATEMENTS ARE COMPLETELY POLITICAL.

American Indians are a proud people and identify as American’s first. The skirmishes and wars in early American territories are many and important to our rich history. The clearest example of this is the alliance between the British Empire and the Indian Nations against early America in the war of 1812.

If we have a member of our City Council that is spreading misinformation and disinformation that undermines American Indian heritage it is an insult to a proud people and real history. If we have a member of our city council that takes an oath to the constitution and then works to undermine it we have a leadership problem and an integrity problem.

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