Ep. 91 ~ How does the government of Israel treat Christians? (Please, Please Read the Description of this video)

10 months ago

Ep. 91 How does the government of Israel treat Christians? In the West, Christian leaders don’t seem interested in knowing the answer. They should be. Here’s the view of a pastor from Bethlehem.

Make no mistake about it, the prophecy regarding GOG and MAGOG in Ezekiel 38 & 39 is being fulfilled before our very eyes. Those calling themselves Israel and Jews are actually GOG/Esau/Amalek/ from the land of MAGOG. They are those who Jesus speaks of in Revelation chapter 2 verse 9 and chapter 3 verse 9. Jesus says those who call themselves Jews, but are not, but do lie. They are, Jesus says, the Synagogue of Satan. Those are the subject of Revelation chapter 17 (woman that rides the beast, the whore and Jerusalem is that city spoken of as Babylon, that is destroyed in one hour. ~~ Read Your Bible ~~

Want to know how I know this?
First, the Holy Spirit testifies to this in my heart but also the history is revealed in a book called, "The Matrix of GOG"
I strongly recommend every professing Christian read this book. So many passages in Scripture are made perfectly clear when a person wakes up to this reality. Western christianity has been lied to and does continue spreading these lies. Here is a link where you can purchase the book:
If you don't want to wait to read it, you can download a copy in pdf format here:

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