Èzili Dantò Discusses Hayti Truth Hidden Behind Headlines with Dr Ma'at

6 months ago

The white settler nations and Europeans, led by the United States, now acting in Hayti as the new Berlin Conference CoreGroup of enslavers and colonizers, have down the annals of time surrounded their racism, slavery, prejudices and colonialism with the triple brass armor of double speak and especially with their infernal politics.

In this interview, Èzili Dantò of FreeHaitiMovement strips it down, removes the masks and righteously armed with decades of work in fighting the imperialists and defending Hayti sovereignty, leverages the axe of truth upon their "ancient tree of slavery, and prejudices."

She strips their double speak of its armor, bare it to the sun so that all these tyrants may burn, all innocence may live. This comprehensive analysis exposes these oppressors of mankind, strips them of their chaos and anonymity armor so you may narrate the right story to ensure these authors of death, deceit, destabilization and destruction in Hayti may perish, naked, in the light of a day for all to see.

Liberty or Death
“Never again shall a colonist or an European set his foot upon this territory with the title of master or proprietor,...This resolution shall henceforward form the fundamental basis of our constitution.”

“I want the assets of the country to be equitably divided.” -- Janjak Desalin
Liv Boisrond Tonnerre
“May the sea on which they sail to invade our island allow them to behold for an instant the prosperity which the country will enjoy under your benevolent auspices, and may the waves vomit them against our rocky shores only so they can be made to expiate by our very hands the crimes they committed for two centuries! May the war you declare against them never end, and may the presence of an armed White man be the signal for war! Aytians, who have been saved from the curse of prejudice by the courage of a hero, as you read his memoirs you will measure the depth of the abyss from which he has lifted you! And as for you, who live in slavery in various countries, you will learn through this great man that Man naturally carries liberty in his heart and that he holds the keys of this freedom in his hands.”– Adjutant General Boisrond-Tonnerre’s Memoirs, 1804

The Memoirs of Jean-Jacques Dessalines' Secretary — Boisrond Tonnerre (1804) — Part 1/5

• The Memoirs of Jean-Jacques Dessaline...
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