Ecumenism vs John 4

5 months ago

"Beware, the feast of the Pharisees"

There's been an attitude in the Catholic Church that has prevailed for about a century and festered after the Vatican II council, expressing the concept of Ecumenism, this idea that we pray to the same God as those of other religions.
So I'm going to go into John 4 with other supplementary resources (Bl Catherine Anne Emmerich's writings) to show why we should not accept the attitude of Ecumenism. Being anti-authoritative is culturally marxist in nature, but Jesus is an authority: he is called Messiah... the light of the world, the Son of God... he is above all. His interaction with Samaria and the woman at the well (Dina) teaches that outsiders must confess and bow before him to receive the "living water".
The passage I didn't remember in the video early on was Ezekiel 16 about God finding Jerusalem in a pitiful state.
I forgot a point: she progressively calls him a Jew, then Sir, then a Prophet, then "could he be the Messiah?"... it shows how he disarmed her and he evangelized her. The Church seems to hate the concept of Proselytism, but the Bible has more of an attitude of urgency on the subject: that God will burn the world, and lest they accept the Messiah, they fall into darkness (expressed in John 3). Proselytism, the Church cautions, is "aggressive" whereas the Church wants to be more nice-guy about it, "be more rhetorical, inviting, etc", but I believe the current Church fails to recognize that urgency, which has wounded it in the past (one of the reasons the Protestant rebellion had legs).
The video ended up long again, and I apologize for that; I'll work on that for my next "resource". I think maybe I'm making too many points. But nevertheless, it's to be treated as a "resource".
Us lays probably should keep it to 20 mins max... so my bad for that.

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