Exodus, Part 12

11 months ago

Do you live day-to-day like the Israelites, hoarding more manna than instructed, or do you place your faith in God to provide what you need for that day? We start off with the instructions to rest on the seventh day, the first instructions for the Sabbath. Within weeks of the parting of the Red Sea, God's people were rebelling again and again against God's commands by taking matters into their own hands and understanding. So many of us struggle with letting go of control. Did you know that this is a sin of self-idolatry, the sin of trusting your own judgment above God's? Moses's name comes from the Hebrew to "draw out". After being drawn out of the waters as a baby, God instructs him to draw out water from a rock, but does Moses do as exactly instructed? Or will he act out of the flesh with his punishment being to never enter the Promised Land? Who else has been referred to as “the Rock'' and how does that relate to Exodus? Come along with Amy through Chapters 16:20 - 17:16, as we continue our understanding of God's provisions for His people, and His opinions towards untrusting and unbelieving behaviors.

This is a verse-by-verse Bible study, allowing deep understanding and context of God's Word. This audio-only recording was adapted from a live Zoom meeting that originally took place on 03/20/24.

Amy offers online Biblical Christian counseling. For more information, visit her website at www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com or email her at amy@biblicalguidancecounseling.com

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