Chinese Practice, HSK 6 Vocabulary, Part 9

11 months ago

Picked up the list from .

Yay! I made it to the end! ... Feeling a little better about my Chinese pronunciation but, hey, whatever lol. Amusingly, I went from HSK 2 straight into HSK 6 since, if there's a longer list, do the longer one first. As such, it should be easier on me to go back to HSKs 3, 4, and 5. Not sure when that will be, since the Korean vocabulary sheets should take precedence given that I am currently in Korea but, hey, we shall see! Probably going to make more effort on Korean while, at the same time, filling out the HSK 3, 4, and 5; however, maybe I won't rush through the HSK as fast as I did for HSK 6 given that I didn't want to have a long break in the middle of this list. Regardless, the experience was nice given that it was a lot of Chinese practice that I hadn't done in the past. lol. Maybe if I end up back in Taiwan, it will be easier for me to pick up Taiwanese. Dunno. The future is the future. And I'm still waiting on "silly butt" to reunite with me.

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