both heaven n hell are within you *it's your choice

10 months ago

now that it's actually serious...
i have to take care of it now since i have no other option
it's selection year n all
the timing is always on point, just sumin i have noticed since i was like 4
i promise you i've read revelations
i know enough about the code
we don't have any say in what the powers at be do
Jesus is w/ us all the time, stop waiting for Him
people are very clueless
the Bible has too much truth for me to discount it
like i said about my religion...NO FEAR MONGERING
if you focus on the evil of this world satan wins over n over n over
it's an energy thing damnit
so obsessed w/ semantics that the bigger picture goes poof!
how is saying that the Kingdom of heaven is w/in you hateful
i'm sorry trail blazer i am too close
i'm a lot happier when i listen to my music
the world is made of sand

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