It Was No Accident [Poem]

9 months ago

It Was No Accident - A Poem by Tom Shaw

The sinner lacks stupor
for he knows of his crime -
he knew what was best,
yet he chose to do harm,
and he will not repent,
for he deserted God.

The victim lacks justice,
for he is stuck in a rhyme -
he knew he was wronged,
yet won't make things right.
Of abundance he is scared,
so holds on to scarcity.

The people lack vigour,
for they won’t make the time -
they know they've been tricked
by sinners, victims,
yet choose to be kicked
and become the abuser.

Music: HolinzaCC0 - Game Over 4

I’ve had this poem written for a while. If I recall correctly, I think I had recently discovered the excellent “Mistakes Were NOT Made” by Margaret Anna Alice , and this piece certainly contains some of that same energy but in a broader societal context. I also recall having a lot of conversations at the time with my mentor on how people come to perpetrate the same kind of abuse in later life that was inflicted on them in childhood and adolescence if that trauma is not dealt with. These two themes married together in the poem that you have just read.

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