insult comic cos i'm a crank that originally insulted myself

9 months ago

taking a chance on this part of the interstate
i actually left the house on time
i gotta do things earlier
the nicotine gum didn't do what i wanted it to
i gotta take periodic breaks from doin drugs haha
tired of the lethargy
two pots a coffee later n nothing is done
making excuses to mistreat my body in hopes of accomplishing things
i don't drink multiple cups of tea
i'm forcing myself to drink tea
obsession is possession
resisting sumin will make it persist more, so don't focus on it n it will fade away on its' own
it is very rare that we thank the state for anything
what a trainwreck...exactly
i agreed w/ this person
i put all this pressure on myself n i think that's why i wasn't very comfortable w/ what i was doing up there
it's okay that it was terrible cos that was the nature of the mic
not much pressure on standup comics
i did sooooo much comedy summer 2021
no opportunity in nashville
either shitty open mics or major comedy venues
too bad all the comics are fucking liberals
political comedy is lame cos all it does is pigeon hole
the Bible is a really good way to control both "jews" n "christians"
bernie sanders believes in a living constitution, the powers at be call the Bible the living Word of God so that explains why it keeps changing (the difference is, they apply Biblical prophecy every day since they play God n hardly ever apply the constitution)

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