Biden Shouts Incoherently When Interrupted By Heckler, Claims He's Cut Deficit By $1 Trillion

10 months ago

President Biden was at it again Tuesday, telling tall tales and shouting gibberish. He was speaking at Union Station in Washington, D.C., on the care economy—described by the United Nations as including “paid (employed in the formal and informal sectors) and unpaid work through which care is provided for others”—when he was interrupted by a heckler. The president angrily responded, “Well, I’ll tell you what…you wanna come make a speech or shush up, okay?” Then he took a look at the protester and thought better of it because, evidently, the guy looked tough. “I’m not messing around with him!” Biden backtracked, suddenly grinning as if realizing Jill would scold him later for losing his temper. “He looks like he could take me!”

But the next moment was the most bizarre of the speech—he suddenly shouted out what sounded vaguely like “ASKME!” I turned to the White House transcript for help and they’ve translated it as “AFSCME!” According to Google, AFSCME stands for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, and I suppose he could have been giving them a shout-out, but it was still a random and startling moment. Cognitively impaired Biden gets angry when a heckler interrupts him. It wouldn’t be a Biden speech, though, without some outlandish claims that are utterly detached from reality. Here, he laughably claims he’s shaved one trillion dollars off the deficit: CHRONIC LIAR JOE BIDEN: "Our administration has already cut the deficit by $1 trillion!"

No, they haven't — their policies have *ADDED* to the deficit. Even the leftist fact-checkers at Politifact have repeatedly debunked this whopper. The annual federal deficit declined by $1.4 trillion on Biden’s watch, from 2021 to 2022. That was larger than any previous one-year reduction in the deficit. Looking at the two-year period from 2021 to 2023, the deficit declined by less, but still by almost $1.1 trillion. The decline happened mostly because the pandemic was an extraordinary historical occurrence that prompted an aggressive, and temporary, government response. On Biden’s watch, even the reduced deficit is larger than any of the deficits on Trump’s watch. And the federal debt has kept rising, just more slowly than it did during the pandemic.

According to the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, the deficit is growing in 2024: The federal government ran a deficit of $296 billion in February 2024 — $34 billion more than the deficit of $262 billion that was recorded in February 2023. Joe continued, claiming he was a master tax cutter: "Nobody earning less than $400K/year will pay an extra penny in taxes!" Biden has *ALREADY* raised the tax burden on Americans earning as little as $20K/year.

• More at: RedState - Biden Shouts Incoherently When Interrupted by Heckler, Claims He's Cut Deficit by $1T
Politifact: Joe Biden’s misleading claim about cutting the deficit

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