They Hate You - Nebraska's Top Five in Congress

10 months ago

Nebraska’s Top Five People that Hate You in Congress are all lying to get back in Congress for another term to ruin your life. These stupid, pathetic, and weak child-like idiots Hate you so much they will waste your money on other countries’ walls, borders, and border security but they will leave your border wide open and buy illegals airplane tickets, luxury hotel rooms, and pre-paid debit cards. So remember to vote for anyone else in the primaries because these awful, repugnant losers are trying to ruin your life because they hate you!

#petericketts #donbacon #debfischer #adriansmith #mikeflood #teamricketts #ricckettsforsenate #cheaptricksricketts #baconforsenate #baconbacker #donnyrotten #donnyrottenbacon #debforsenae #debbiedownerfischer #border #openborder #illegals #nebraska #nebraskaelction #election2024 #terrible #despicable #brainless #losers #foolish #mindless #ignorant #morons #jokes #joke

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