LARA LOGAN- They are not ELITE they are a CULT- David Clement "Let my People Go" FULL MOVIE LINK

11 months ago

EVERYTHING IS CONVERGING. Our lives are going fast forward.
This presentation is short but should penetrate into YOUR MIND and your HEART. You have been BRAINWASHED to think Someone Else is going to FIX it for you or that you have some CONTROL over this phase of operation. YOU DON'T and you ARE NOT READY for what is COMING. I hope and pray for you to be FOUNDED in Gods Word to Guide YOU. IF this is your purpose you will not be able to STAND by IDLY and let this happen.. time to be a PROACTIVE Witness.. and as Juan has said like to LARA we MUST know what the real issue is. They are NOT Elite they are a CULT. Watch the full movie:
Let My People Go: The Eviction of GOD - Full Movie Freely Given

7000 year CABAL .. The Babylon Reality. Moloch is here, The Spirit of FEAR.
• You are in the beginning of this CLEANSE.. witness the machinations of the DEVIL making his final moves before the world truly learns the truth about what has been going on. Lucifer vs God.. Playing Chess with the Devil. Many will not know and may be a part of the MACHINE. That they CAN NOT understand.
• We live in times that will be spoken about for thousands of years. Do not fear what is happening. There will be no more war, no agendas, and no more manipulation of our minds. The world will be cleansed and peace will reign throughout all nations on Earth! Humanity will prevail. WWG1WGA

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