040924 Word From God -PROPHECY-- UNEXPECTED U B Ready

9 months ago

U B Ready
U B Ready


Received 04/08/24


Matthew 25:13
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the son of man cometh.

My son, many in My body have been told to EXPECT THE CATCHING AWAY TODAY (Monday, 4/8/24). Sadly, they do not know My Word. I AM coming for My Elect when they are NOT EXPECTING it.

My Word says that the things of this world will be as normal. People will be eating and drinking, getting married, buying houses, going to parties. Life will be - by all accounts - as normal. No one will be EXPECTING Me to gather them. While many will be hoping I come - IT WILL BE UNEXPECTED.

My son, earthquakes are UNEXPECTED - yet many know that the west coast has a big one coming. Wildfires are UNEXPECTED - yet every year they start in different places. Floods are UNEXPECTED - yet no one knows when it starts raining that it will produce a flood.

MY GATHERING WILL BE UNEXPECTED - yet people will continue with the cares of this world.

If My children knew the day and hour of My gathering, they would continue to sin right up to that hour, then repent and live righteously for one hour. That is why NO MAN knows the day nor the hour - ONLY MY FATHER.

My son, many UNEXPECTED events occur in My children's lives. Many of these events involve a death, and My children MUST LEARN how to endure the UNEXPECTED hard times.

When the money collapses and the UNEXPECTED chaos follows - WILL YOU BE READY?

When the famine hits UNEXPECTEDLY - WILL YOU BE READY?

Everyone is EXPECTING the total collapse of this Nation, and over time when it doesn't happen WHEN THEY EXPECT it to happen - the people go back to sleep.

The people of Jerusalem did NOT EXPECT the Babylonians to come because they were listening to the FALSE prophets - while those who heard My TRUE prophets were ready for the invasion.

So it is today - people listen to the FALSE prophets and EXPECT a big revival, lots of money transferred from the rich, and America to be great again - while the UNEXPECTED persecution, war, and ruin are coming.

REPENT NOW, read My Word and turn from this world and the cares thereof. Pray daily, and I will tell you what is coming and what to EXPECT.

Do not be UNEXPECTING - like the five foolish virgins - for I come at an hour YOU WILL NOT EXPECT.


Lord Jesus Christ

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