Adventist Apostasy

10 months ago

The Seventh Day Adventist Church was raised up by God to preach the Three Angels' Messages of Revelation 14:6-12. Sadly, the organization has fallen into apostasy, doctrinally and behaviorally. They are becoming more and more like the evangelicals in teachings and in the 'bedlam of noise' worship-style. The leaders like Ganoune Diop and Ted Wilson are justifying ecumenism .They are chiefly responsible for the apostasy in the Church and they refuse to be corrected. They have also trademarked the name, forgetting that the name "Seventh Day Adventist" was given to us by God and defines the Spiritual experience of a people who are preparing in sinfreeness for the Literal Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Listen more and escape the apostasy by accepting True Adventism as taught in the Bible and by the pioneers of Adventism, to prepare for Jesus' soon Coming.

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