Daily Morning Spiritual Routine

9 months ago

Here's a run down of my entire daily morning spiritual ritual that is the key to starting off my days centered and grounded. From the moment I wake up, my routine, includes:
- 10 mins of Yoga
- Drinking a glass of water
- Grounding her sacred space
- Calling in her Spirit Guides
- 15 mins of meditation
- Qi Gong
And I finish this off by completing my Weekly Success Planning Worksheet, including writing down 3 things I'm grateful for and my 3 main tasks for today. Stay tuned on info on how to get this PDF!

If you are feeling scattered or overwhelmed, try some of these ideas out and see if they can help you establish structure and order to your mornings. Having a good morning ritual and starting your day off with an hour of Self Care, puts you in a high vibration and helps you have productive days.

Have any other ideas for how you like to start your day? Let me know in the comments below!

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