The 7 Bowls of God's Wrath | Explained | The Seven Worst Judgements from the Tribulation/End Times

10 months ago

Revelations 15;16Exodus 9:9-11; 7:20-25; Revelations 9-11; 18-0:21-23; Revelation913-21; I Timothy 4:1-3; Revelation17-18
The stage is set for the worst judgements during the Tribulation time. These judgements will be poured out in rapid succession. They are so severe that many scholars believe that this period will only last one or two months. read Mathew 24:22 Jesus said if he did not come back soon all of humanity would be dead.
First Bowl-festering putrid sores like Aids only on those with the Mark of the beast.
Second Bowl-every ocean and sea is filled with congealed blood
Third Bowl-every fresh water is filled with fluid flowing blood.
Fourth Bowl-the Sun is so intense without protection you will get third-degree burns
NOTE: All of this is happening quickly and does not subside. ALL THE PLAGUES OVERLAP EACH OTHER
Fifth Bowl-the Anti-Christ kingdom and capital city are covered with a weird and painful darkness.
Sixth Bowl- The EUPRATES is dried up and open the way for the country' in the east to come against ISRAEL. Three demons seduce nations to come to Armageddon.
Seventh Bowl-the greatest earth quake in history with hail stones weighing over 100 lbs pummel the earth
CORRECTION": Revelation 16: 19 The great BABYLON IS NOT JERUSALEM.
It is Rome-see Revelation 17-18; The city on seven hills. I might have miss spoke. I think i corrected later but I wan to a make sure. Babylon was the code word early Christians used for Rome.

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