Sweating and Surviving My Humbling Experience in Jiu Jitsu

11 months ago

twenty-six right now Twenty-six Yeah twenty-six Have you ever talked to a heart doctor about your profuse sweating So I-I got rid of my pre-hypertension you know Just started going on a few walks and I recently started doing jujitsu Hey fuck you Fuck you bro I recently started taking jiu-jitsu classes but I got beat by like this sixteen-year-old country boy bro He beat the fuck out of me man By the way for those of you just listening to the podcast or watching I guess there's no way for you to know but it is truly sixty-six point six point six degrees in this room right now on this stage We keep a thermometer here Breaking news yes Breaking is up to sixty-six point six degrees Oh it's point seven now The laughs bring up the temperature So you must sweat like this absolutely all the time right You know yeah Fuck it Yeah All the fucking time Do you do any cardio at all Other than jujitsu or whatever the fuck you do Jujitsu You motherfucker I mean jujitsu that's probably the only way I could get that motherfucker off of me bro I mean he had me on side control You know I'm not familiar like Joe bro I don't know the positions but I just call it the dying fetus position bro I was just on the side He had me on a seat belt bro He was fucking me up dude Wow

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